An Open Letter from a Trauma Therapist

This past spring I received an open letter from Jules Alvarado, a trauma therapist that I interviewed and featured in one of my largest series about foster care and adoption, unique to Appalachia. She wrote an open letter to me that meant a great deal.

I truly put my heart and soul into Beyond Biological, and I hope anyone directly or indirectly impacted by foster care and adoption in the US and around the world will watch the series. I learned so much about the effects of trauma to the brain. It confirmed what I had learned over the years from the interviews I’ve filmed with other adoptees - it didn’t matter if you were adopted at birth or older through foster care, private or inter-country adoption, all struggled with separation anxiety, a sense of belongingness, identity, and not feeling whole.

I have included the open letter below, in hopes that it will encourage you to watch the series and share with your friends, family and community. This is truly a call for everyone to have a better and deep understanding of what trauma looks like in the foster care and adoption world.

May 24, 2019


Thank you for your gift to the world of foster care and adoption.

Beyond Biological is an inspirational, motivational and educational film.

As a mom to many, from many places over 25 years, I am blessed by the connection you offer to others who have traveled this journey with me.

Parenting children who come from the hard place of trauma, abuse and neglect has been both the greatest gift and the biggest challenge of my life.

Learning the true meaning of unconditional love and acceptance has been the reward.

I know that there are many more children waiting for safe families, either for  a short period of time or for a lifetime; and that our ‘system’ is in desperate need of reorganization, yet for each of the 200+ children who were delivered to me over the years, life is different. Better for them in some way, I hope. Assuredly better for me.

There is often a myth spread about foster care in the media, faith based communities and in the child serving system itself. Your production, Beyond Biological, offers a message of hope, truth and the real need for more foster families today, and does so through a gentle lens of honesty and integrity.

It is an honor for me to be included as a guest in your production.

As a parent, I felt the connection and a profound, deep understanding of the other parents in the film; as a professional in the system, I felt the comradery and ‘family’ that those of us who serve experience, yet struggle to share with others at the depth that you were able to convey.

For those who may be considering fostering or adopting as a part of their journey, Beyond Biological is a must. This introduction and cutting edge training integrated into a beautiful film is your medicine, Shelby. You have served the tired, confused, wondering soul in the world of foster care and adoption and I am humbled and blessed by your presence in my life, and in my world.

Jules Alvarado

Parent to Many/Founder and Sr. Clinical Consultant

The Alvarado Consulting and Treatment Group